Monday, November 27, 2006

This is just an anticipatory column.

I should be editing a geology portfolio right now, but I decided to take a break. With blogging of course. I haven't written anything in about two weeks, so I'm back with some content. College is winding down, and it looks like I'm going to survive my first semester,with decent grades. Unfortunately, I have stuff to do this week and it's subconsciously winding down on me. But you know what you really want? Music, and lots of my horrid opinions on it. Well, you're going to get two shabby reviews of bands I liked more junior of high school. BUT, before finals, you'll get my Mainstream/CollegeandIndie Artists, Songs, and Albums of the Year. That happens next week (say, reading day?). For now, the reviews of two albums that probably have dissenting sides though that's stupid as hell.

Senses Fail, Still Searching

Senses Fail are a New Jersey scremao outfit that gained popularity after their 2004 release Let It Enfold You. Their debut album was so popular that it was re-released with different packaging in 2005. Between now and then, the band has toured and recorded their third release and second album, Still Searching. While Let It Enfold You focused on the usual long names and short depth, Searching seems to have a concept behind it. OK, not a concept so much as a running theme with the word "faith". Yes, there are references to girlfriends, but they seem to be the same just-more-than-simple metaphors. "I was the chapstick in your purse to keep you smooth/I was the finger in your throat to keep you cute" from "Every Day is a Struggle" is the new "Half-smoked cigarettes and you're the trash that infects my sheets" from 2004's "Choke on This." Searching throws those in there for fun, but seems to focus on the lead singer/narrator's self-problems. What we get is a "genius with a headache" who repeatedly talks about his problems with pills and living and depression and whatever else cliche you can think of. At least Senses Fail pokes fun of themselvs with "All the Best Cowboys Have Daddy Issues". Musically, it's what you expect from Senses Fail, with a few keyboards hey and there. Cause hey, everybody loves keyboards these days. It's like, "We were a screamo band during the screamo explosion of 2004, like during the whole Taste of Chaos beginning, Warped getting shittier era, but then, "KEYBOARDS!" we can totally have musical depth like we're Squarepusher meets TV on the Radio meets Thursday!". Just stick to what you do, kids. .....3/5. They could do better...i almost gave them a 2 1/2.

My Chemical Romance, "The Black Parade"

MCR. Gerard and company are back with ANOTHER concept album, but this one is darker (really) than Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge . MCR's last album helped break them into the mainstream, especially after the success of the video for "Helena". My problem with this is that the slower "Helena" allowed MCR to choose a weaker follow-up single in "The Ghost of You". The album had several better choices for follwo-up singles, including "You Know What They Do to Guys Like Us in Prison" or "Thank You for the Venom". Well, it didn't help, and MCR just kinda lingered over the last year and a half. What do they come up with now? No longer is it demolition lovers and shit, it's now The Patient. MCR's choice for a lead single, "Welcome to the Black Parade" is somewhat wordy, and a really bad attempt at Queen. Furthermore, "Mama" has tow things that piss me off: A cameo by Liza Manelli (What The FUCK?) and a blatant ripoff of Gogol Bordello. Other tracks on the album sound very MCR, wit the poppunkpseudogothiness that we've come to know, love, and respect. Their choice for a ballad, though, is a bad one. It lacks the volume, velocity, and overall encompassing effect of a song like "Ghost of You". The song is "Cancer", and it has a piano, and takes that cue. Little buildup happens. The lyrics are the saving grace, I guess of the album. Gerard lets us listen to a nicely constructed album, except for the song "Famous Last Words". The title, lyrics, and overall presentation are very pase and kinda boring. But, the album is still a good disc to listen to and molds well. 4/5...and they desreve it. They got more coming up their sleeve.

the AWARDS show next week

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